Simplify Order Management in Your Business

Make keeping track of orders coming into a retail business and managing the processes required to fulfill them effortless

3 min readJan 23, 2021

Thanks to social media, Anyone can start a business by simply opening an account and posting pictures of the product or services being offered. The post gets likes, people comment to inquire about it; some ask for the price, some ask for location and some also ask about delivery.

You, an excited business owner, comment back to answer some of the questions. When the back and forth of comments seems to lead to a purchase, you ask them to privately message or send you a WhatsApp message to complete an order.

Receiving orders from different media platforms, and fulfilling them on the go seems easy and fast in the beginning. Hence, it will go on smoothly for a while until your business blows up and now you have so many orders from all your social media accounts.

The confusion then starts around who wants what, what time, and the delivery addresses. You can't trace whether the order is from IG or WhatsApp or Facebook. Customers start blowing up your phone with complaints, you get overwhelmed and for a moment, think that you were not cut for business!

…and for a moment, think that you were not cut for business!

You consult some of your colleagues who advise you to write down customer details and orders in a book or a notes app. After giving it a shot, you realize that you no longer forget the delivery dates, you fulfill the right order to the customer. Your customers are happy and you are happy a win-win situation has been achieved. How straightforward!

Unfortunately, the blissful moment doesn’t last for long, It dawns on you that you have to flip numerous pages to get Mary’s details ( a customer you served 6 months ago and is requesting the same order). Sometimes, you frustratingly scroll through your WhatsApp messages to find other customer details that might be important during a quarter review business meeting with your team. God forbid you switched phones and now your data cannot be recovered!

This not only brings chaos in your once orderly way of recording customer orders but makes you miss out on the insights that exist between customers and the business. You can hardly derive simple behavioral patterns like the frequency of a customer order, when to expect order and which product/services actually derives more attention than others.

Just as social media has made starting a business less stressful, platforms that are meant for data collection and management make order fulfillment, customer relationships, and sales management trouble-free and hence highly recommended for a business.

With such a platform, you will collect orders, view them on one page, get to know how frequent customers order and what kind of product is most requested. Besides that, you are in a position to communicate with them in case of special events like birthdays or customer anniversaries to maintain a lasting relationship and propel you to unimaginable levels of creativity.

At Eleka we help businesses like you without in-house platforms to achieve robust data collection and management in a simple and fun way.

Also, you will never have to worry about losing your precious book or phone because all the data is recoverable!

Get started with us today at to bring simplicity and fun to business




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